Just for a while

The other day my friend and I were talking about perfection

And how perfection is boring in every way

because you're always going to look for the same thing or person
experience the same thing all over again
expect the same results
and you already know what you're going to do with it

how I prefer to see cracks, and imperfection
because it is a trait of a person that we'd remember
how we'd come to think of a person when another does exactly the same

how we prefer to see imperfections made,
I've always liked things or people sincere, and real,
that to me, is what makes up an interesting person

there is so much more to the content on the inside to just know
and wander about just for a while

and i find it such a pity that what matters most
is never the content anymore

Tuesday, April 30, 2013 @ 8:39 AM / 0 daisies

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