In search of happiness -

"Perhaps you worked it out before he did, because, in matters of love psychiatrists aren't neccesarily more intelligent than anyone else.

It was when Ying Li came out of the bathroom all happy and then suddenly became sad, when she understood that Hector had just understood.

It was when they had dinner together and Hector sensed that she was intimidated.

It was when she cried in his arms.

It was each time she was moved when she was with him. Hector had fallen in love with her emotions. "

Started a new read and already halfway through the book, although I wasn't used to having the author becoming the narrator but the story plot about literally searching for happiness reminds me of the things I overlook almost all the time.

On another note....

I thought about how terrible it is to feel as if you're never good enough as a person when you see someone better.

In terms of his speech, the way he thinks, the way he articulates his thoughts, the way he looks, the way he does his work, the work he presents, the way he is religiously strong, the way he keep himself confident, just enough to make people trust him. The way he just is, the way someone just is.

I conclude that feeling inferior at times... is normal.

I wrote down a few things to do to/remind myself this year -

A. Take time to know yourself.
B. Take time to know what you want.
C. And to also, Take time to love yourself. Exactly the way you are.

Monday, February 4, 2013 @ 4:24 AM / 0 daisies

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